Project Ecole 42
Project Solo
Creation of a small web application with all the features of the Instagram
Technology :
HTML • CSS • Javascript • PHP • Mysql • Phpmyadmin • DockerCode :
• You are free to use any language to create your server-side application, but, for every function that you use you must check that an equivalent exist in PHP standard library• Client-side, your pages must use HTML, CSS and JavaScript
• No library / framework allowed
• Compatible with the latest up to date version of Chrome, FireFox.
Build dev
make• Use Docker in a VM for root mode
• The website should be deployed by only one command :
make (of Makefile)
Common features
• Any password stored must be hashed• Inject HTML or “user” JavaScript in badly protected variables is not allowed
• Upload unwanted content on the server is not allowed
User features
• The application should allow a user to sign up by asking at least a valid email address, an username and a password with at least a minimum level of complexity.• The user should confirm his account via a unique link sent at the email address fullfiled in the registration form.
• The user should be able to tell the application to send a password reinitialisation mail, if he forget his password.
• The user should be able to tell the application to send a password reinitialisation mail, if he forget his password.
• The user should be able to disconnect in one click at any time on any page.
• The user should be able to modify his username, mail address or password.
Gallery features
• This part is to be public and must display all the images edited by all the users, ordered by date of creation. It should also allow (only) a connected user to like them and/or comment them.• When an image receives a new comment, the author of the image should be notified by email. This preference must be set as true by default but can be deactivated in user’s preferences.
• You should allow the upload of a user image instead of capturing one with the webcam.
• The list of images must be paginated, with at least 5 elements per page.
Webcam features
• This part should be accessible only to users that are authentified/connected and gently reject all other users that attempt to access it without being successfully logged in.• A main section containing the preview of the user’s webcam, the list of superposable images and a button allowing to capture a picture.
• A side section displaying thumbnails of all previous pictures taken.
• Superposable images must be selectable and the button allowing to take the picture should be inactive (not clickable) as long as no superposable image has been selected.
• The creation of the final image (so among others the superposing of the two images) must be done on the server side.
• The user should be able to delete his edited images, but only his, not other users’ creations.
Bonus part
• “AJAXify” exchanges with the server.• Propose a live preview of the edited result, directly on the webcam preview. We should note that this is much easier than it looks.
• Offer the possibility to a user to share his images on social networks.
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